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Frequently Asked Questions

General Information

Most Parents enroll their children in martial arts because they believe their children will benefit mentally through increased levels of Self Discipline, Perseverance, Respect, Focus, or Confidence. That means if they don't see you making a determined effort to instill these characteristics they will not continue to train with you. The physical training we do does develop many of these qualities indirectly over time but you can speed up the students understanding and development through supplementing your physical training with direct instruction on these topics. Not only will you deliver on your marketing promises to help their child grow mentally, they will fully understand your commitment to fulfilling your promises by observing the direct instruction in your classroom. Using a "System" like the ones developed by BLACKBELTPRINCIPLES.COM makes sure that those lessons are delivered in a systematic way making sure that no student falls through the cracks. If you only deliver an occasional mat chat or stump speech in your class on a character education topic from time to time the student that was absent that day never gets the message. Having a system also insures that your junior instructors who might not have 20 years of martial arts experience under their belts can deliver a quality mat chat without the charisma of a master instructor.

Our systems are designed to speak to children in a way they are used to learning. Our Harry and Friends system is designed for 3-6 year olds, uses Animation and exciting visual aids to hold the child's attention and teach them through example instead of verbally!

3D animations like Harry and Friends can and has cost up to $15,000.00 per finished minute to produce. We have no problem creating one for you but the cost can be very expensive that is why when we produced our program we tried to make it as neutral as possible for all types of martial arts styles.

As for the question, "would I own all rights" the answer is, NO. You are licensing our copyrights and trademarks if you are no longer pay for the license you would be in violation of copyright and trademarks laws and break of contract.

Most Parents choose to enroll their children in martial arts because of the character education benefits. When parents observe the positive changes in their children due to your new focus on character education you will see huge changes in retention especially in your youngest students. Use of our animated content can also dramatically increase your enrollment percentages if used within your introductory program. All of this for probably less than one student currently pays you in tuition.
Results can waver if you do not use the program the way it is designed for. Remember we have work on this program for years testing in multiple schools and tweaked it until it became what it is today. Black Belt Principles is a successful Character Education program that brings positive results.

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How To Do A Mat Chat

How To Introduce The Theme Of The Month

Samples Of Our Animated E-Post Cards!

Sample View of Our First Animation

Sample View of Our Second Animation

Helping young minds grow stronger through the power of

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